The STAG R02 EL single-stage reducer integrated with the solenoid valve and filter is designed for car sequential injection systems. The device reduces pressure of LPG flowing from the tank and turns it into a gas (vaporization).

Thermal insulation system

The reducer is distinguishable due to its compact size and unique design comprising two aluminum castings and a cover made in the ACtherm system preventing gas cooling, thus providing an excellent thermal insulation. Due to its unique design, the STAG R02 EL heats up very quickly, thus, switching to gas is also performed quickly. Therefore, no additional work of the controller, such as temperature correction, is required. Its high thermal efficiency and resistance to LPG contamination makes the reducer the best choice when selecting autogas system components.

Pressure stabilization system

The STAG R02 EL reducer is equipped with the unique ACPress system that provides constant pressure  supplying injector rails when driving in various road conditions. It should be also noted, that stability is guaranteed regardless of inlet pressure of gas delivered from the gas cylinder.

Flexible fastening system

The device is fastened with a single centrally located bolt only, thus, enabling the reducer to be installed practically in any position. The device versatility is complemented with the  TriACflex elbow connector system that can be configured in any arrangement.


  • built-in solenoid valve and filter,
  • small dimensions,
  • compact design,
  • easy filter replacement,
  • excellent thermal efficiency,
  • stable adjustments,
  • resistance to LPG contaminations,
  • pressure stability independent of cylinder inlet pressure,
  • low pressure drops at high loads,
  • mounted with a single centrally located bolt,
  • replaceable elbow connector system.


Standards and approvals: The STAG R02 EL reducer holds the E8 approval No. 67R-01 6865 and meets the requirements of the UN Economic Commission for Europe Regulation No. 67.

Technical specification


two aluminum castings and a cover made of robust plastic


set – 1.56 kg
Dimensions 116 x 138x 89
Maximum inlet pressure 30 bar
Outlet pressure 0.9 – 1.5 bar
Gas inlet diameter M10x1
Gas outlet stub pipe diameter  Ø12 hose
Water stub pipe diameter  Ø16
Maximum engine power 100kW/ 136KM
Approval 67 R – 01 6865


Mobile applications


Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Controllers LPG/CNG - DIESEL


Injection rails LPG / CNG

Reducers LPG

Fuel injector emulator - Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Fuel level emulator

Fuel pressure emulator


Switches petrol / gas

Fuel Level Indicators WPG

Timing Advance Processors

The pressure sensor





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