A device that measures gas pressure, manifold vacuum and gas temperature in the gas path. 3-in-1 measures pressure, vacuum and gas temperature. The latest version of the popular STAG sensor has been equipped with pressure and vacuum sensors up to 5.5 bar. Thanks to this, the PS-04 MAX can handle turbocharged engines


Product: pressure sensor
Type of autogas fuel: LPG and CNG
Warranty time: 2 years
Homologation:  E8 67R-01 7261, E8 110R-00 7262, E8 10R-05 8888
Index: W1Y-00747

The PS-04 MAX sensor is equipped with pressure and vacuum sensors up to 5.5 bar. In the previous version of the sensor, PS-04 PLUS, both types of sensors had a measurement range of up to 3.5 bar.
In demanding turbocharged engines, the system switches to gasoline when the sensor reading is exceeded. That's why we created the PS-04 MAX sensor. By replacing the existing pressure sensor with a new one with a higher measuring range, we eliminated the problem of too small a measuring range.

The new pressure sensors used in this version are more resistant to impurities in LPG. This makes the sensor more durable, and the installation equipped with it can operate longer and more efficiently


  • Designed for LPG and CNG gas injection systems in all cars regardless of engine power, including turbocharged ones
  • Measurement of gas pressure, manifold vacuum and gas temperature in the gas path
  • Interchangeable use with previous versions of PS measuring units
  • Large number of mounting configurations
  • Low inertia of response to a change in gas temperature

PS- 04 MAX Technical Specifications: 

Working temperature [˚C] -40 to +125 
Working pressure [bar] up to 6,75 
Working vacuum [bar] up to 4,50 
T-piece gas inlet and outlet [mm] Ø 12 
Vacuum stub [mm] Ø 4, Ø 6 
Overall dimensions (with tee) [mm] 52 x 42 x 52 
Weight (with tee) [g] 34  

Mobile applications


Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Controllers LPG/CNG - DIESEL


Injection rails LPG / CNG

Reducers LPG

Fuel injector emulator - Controllers LPG/CNG direct petrol injection

Fuel level emulator

Fuel pressure emulator

Switches petrol / gas

Timing Advance Processors

The pressure sensor





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