Wire harnesses
Injection molding machines


The technical infrastructure and machine park at AC S.A. are designed so as to anticipate the increased demand and ensure the  production needs of the company are fulfilled. We also carry out external orders by making our resources available to others. Learn about our outsourcing offer.

Thirty years of experience has allowed the AC company to develop suitable production techniques, as well as to make considerable investments in this area. Today we have a state-of-the-art machine park that we may outsource to meet the needs of external customers.

Due to the dynamic growth of the company, the Outsourcing Department was created to deal with interested business partners in a comprehensive and professional manner. We create individual offers which are adapted to the needs of each customer and design the production process according to the requirements specified in the order.

You don’t have to invest in machines and staff. You can simply come to us and the AC S.A. employees will be at your disposal. Our services are characterised by quality, renown, reliability and years of experience in production activities.

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